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When Kingdom Comes is an exciting young adult fantasy novel. This book is perfect for those readers looking to escape modern, digital life. For those readers who want to take an adventure in a make-believe world filled with kings and queens, unconscionable evil, love so profound it defies all reason. A story that insists you put your phone down and will keep you turning pages until there are no more left to turn.


1st novel in the exciting Legend Series

Bewildered and devastated by her brother Kristofer’s betrayal and his decision to join the South, Elora and Rian join their armies to fight against him in a civil war that has destroyed the nation. With their kingdoms under Southern control, Elora and Rian must find a way to bring down Kristofer, whose inhuman strength only grows stronger by the day. As they seek to save their kingdoms, Elora and Rian face an excruciating struggle between the love they once had for Kristofer and their duty to deal the fatal blow in the last great battle against a man they once called brother.

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